Category Archives: Lesson Links

Y6 How many tools can you use effectively in Prezi?


  1. What different ways are there of displaying info?: text, images, videos(?), shapes, music, theme.
  2. What ways are there of making info more interesting? (fonts, bullets, shapes, boxes, shape of whole prezi, theme of prezi), background music, pathways.
  3. Can you use these (sparingly – KISS, less is more)?
  4. How can you be creative? (zoom -in and in and in, inside letters, text on pictures). Show some examples of these techniques.
  5. IMPORTANT Remember that the purpose is to present information – don’t lose sight of this. Purpose – is it for people to browse, the backdrop to a talk…? How will this affect your design?
  6. ALSO IMPORTANT – how are you respecting other people’s work (images, information, music, videos…etc) and copyright?
  7. What makes prezi effective as a presentation tool?
  8. Can you use it collaboratively, ie share it? Work on it at the same time? Comment?
  9. What are the (e)Safety considerations?
  10. Can you find help topics/videos?

Be positive and creative!

**Go to – royalty free music.  Find some suitable music as a backdrop.  Download to your file, then upload to your prezi.

Y3 How do I use effects in Word to make my writing clear?

Success steps

  1. Open Microsoft Word (Find it in Icons 64 folder)
  2. Open your file (File – Open – Computer – 3a/b/c on Phoenix – Your Name – Your file)
  3. Finish changing the sentences by following the instructions
    1. Find the correct buttons for each effect
    2. Click the undo button or press  CTRL-Z if you make a mistake
  4. Move text down by pressing ENTER to make a new line
  5. Move text up by deleting blank lines


If you have finished…

  • Open Revelation Natural Art – explore as many tools as you can.  Can you undo? save to your file?
  • Do some typing practice.

Toy links

Many new toys were invented in the 20th century. Plasticine was invented in 1897 by William Harbutt. It was first made commercially in 1900. Also in 1900 Frank Hornby invented a toy called meccano. Other popular toys in the early 20th century were tin cars. In the 1920s train sets became very popular. Soft toys also became common in the early 20th century including teddy bears.

During World War II most toy factories were turned over to war production. However in the late 20th century with the arrival of an affluent society plastic and metal toys became much cheaper and much more common. In the 1950s Lego became a popular toy. Mr Potato Head was invented in 1952. The skateboard was invented in 1958. Barbie dolls were invented in 1959 and Action Man went on sale in Britain in 1966. In the early 1970s space hoppers and clackers were popular toys. At the end of the 20th century computer games became very popular.

Y4 eBooks: When you have finished typing your story…

  1. Could you improve your story in any way?  Add some description,…
  2. Check your spellings.  You could use:
    1. the Lighthouse Story wordlist in j2e that I have shared with you
    2. a friend to help
    3. RH click on an underlined word to see a suggestion
  3. Divide your story into 3 parts and copy and paste onto three separate j2e5 pages.
  4. Make the text bigger and choose an effective font.
  5. Decide what picture you want as a button to link to the next page.

Y4 eBooks: How do I link pages in j2e?

Success steps

  1. Login to j2e
  2. save two pages
  3. create text button
  4. link pages
  5. draw a shape
  6. use group to create button
  7. save after changes
  8. **link to a website
  9. ** Animate your button

Next time, we will create a story ebook by copying a story, designing pages and  linking the pages together.  What will make a good eBook?