LQ: How can I improve my letter algorithm?

Today we are going to try to improve our algorithms for drawing letters in Textease.

PLEASE make sure you are keeping all of your instructions on a page along with the pictures they draw – soon we will print and I will want to see what you have done.

Steps for success today:

  1. Complete a letter
  2. Add instructions at the end so that your turtle is ready for the next letter (you will need pu and pd)
  3. Do another letter
  4. Tidy up algorithm, label it, **label parts
  5. Set up a procedure to type a letter
  6. Use setfillcolour command (see Textease help) **What can you do about letters with holes?
  7. Make a letter flower by repeating your letter:  repeat 6 R rt 360/6 end
  8. Shadow letter