Y5 LQ: How do I use repeat loops and routines?

  • We will be creating “routines” (groups of instructions). These are usually given names and then can be used in other programs later.
  • Check that you understand repeat-end loops and how to write them. (eg repeat 4 forward 30 right 90 end). Repeat-end loops are like a sandwich with instructions to repeat in the middle.
  • Log in to Crystal Rainforest (using name from last week if it lets them!)
  • Change settings: “Adventure mode”, adjust volume, level 2. Click ok
  • Click “Start” then ” adventure mode”.
  • Start on number 23

Success steps:

  • understand repeat-end loops
  • understand a routine is a set of instructions (often given a name)
  • be resilient
  • test instructions (even if not complete)
  • use trial and improvement
  • ** 360 degrees is a whole turn
  • ** 360 can be divided into smaller turns (factors of 360)

Lesson Reflection


Y6 LQ: Is Prezi an effective way to present ideas?

Signing up

  1. Sign up for a free prezi account using your school email.
  2. It must be a student account https://prezi.com/profile/registration/edu/?license_type=EDUENJOY
  3. USE only initials for your first and last name
  4. DO NOT enter your full name or any personal details.
  5. MAKE SURE you keep your info and prezis private.
  6. By using your school email, you are bound by your ICT agreement that you have signed
  7. You are not permitted to use your school email to sign up to anything else.

Creating a Prezi

  1. Look at some example prezis. Here are the winners of the 2014 Prezi competition
  2. Create your own on a school topic theme.
  3. What different tools can you use? Theme, shapes, pictures, fonts, paths,…?
  4. What makes prezi effective as a presentation tool?
  5. Can you use it collaboratively, ie share it? Work on it at the same time? Comment?
  6. Are there eSafety considerations?
  7. Can you find help topics/videos?

Be positive and creative!

How can I customise my quiz?

  1. Scratch http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tip_bar=getStarted
  2. Quiz instructions are here  http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/scratchquiz.html  but today we will be using paper instructions.
  3. Lesson reflection https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1wGDATCRZ9dU1aEHGoqOgbf7VGSfa2uYUQIxprhaz7rQ/viewform 

Steps to success

  • Open work from last week
  • Disconnect blocks
  • Duplicate blocks
  • Follow instructions carefully
  • Read blocks to understand what they do
  • Understand selection (if, then, else)

Y4 LQ: How does a quiz computer game work?

  1. Scratch http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/editor/?tip_bar=getStarted
  2. Quiz instructions  http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/scratchquiz.html
  3. Lesson reflection https://docs.google.com/forms/d/14gEix_JlU3TAi4xVkBcXSetIAeJGW9oDHtH0e-NYmw/viewforAm 

Steps to success

  • Switch between different tabs
  • Follow instructions carefully
  • Read blocks to understand what they do
  • Learn about selection (if, then, else)


Year 5 Happy New Year!

  1. Typing
    1. BBC Dance Mat Typing http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/typing/
    2. Try some of these if you have time  http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/keyboarding_games.html
  2. Seating
    1. Traffic light seating
    2. Buddies
    3. Experts
  3. Log ins – practise logging in
    1. j2e
    2. Google Apps
    3. School website – find Mr W’s ICT blog
  4. j2e5
    1. Make a new page called “Year 5 ICT portfolio”
    2. Add pages
    3. Learn how to “print screen”
    4. Make a contents list on the first page
    5. Make a “Typing” page
    6. Make a “LOGO” page
    7. Copy LOGO work onto page
  5. ICT skills list
    1. https://docs.google.com/a/st-marks.wilts.sch.uk/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ApUDUEoHTKzPdERqeGFxeENLUGZFYUFBRExFbG51MHc&usp=sharing