Y4: How do I make a Scratch maze game?

Create page in j2e called Scratch

Let’s make a maze game!

  1. Log into Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/
  2. Go to http://code-it.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/scratchcrabmaze.pdf
  3. Follow the instructions carefully.
  4. There re also more resources here:  http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/crabmaze
  1. Save
    1. Your file automatically saves if you are logged in.
    2. However, please save in your folder so I can see you progress.
      1. File – download tto your computer – …
  2. Be reflective
    1. Use this form

Y5 How do I plan and make a maths game in Scratch?

Let’s decompose!

  1. Choose one of these games – what elements do they have?
  2. Find your entry from last week here
    1. Edit only your row (I can tell…)
    2. Look at your answers and improve by giving more detail
    3. Challenge: What blocks in Scratch might you use?


  1. http://www.j2e.com/stmarks/bwilliams/Scratch+game+planner/
  2. Save in your files

Tables game planning (if you need it…):

  1. http://code-it.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/tables_planning.pdf
  2. http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/tablesgame/tablesgameoverview


  1.  https://scratch.mit.edu/
  2. Explore tools and experiment
  3. Use your planner to build your game bit by bit – the better you have decomposed your game, the easier it will be.
  4. Edit your planner if your plan changes…
  5. Work on main sprite:
      • Start with the way it moves – keyboard controls? mouse? forever moving?
      • Now deal with how it reacts to other things – other sprites? the score? gravity? the floor/walls/platforms?
  6. Use some of the resources below:


Last 8 minutes

  • Save into your folder with file name: “John S game”
  • In the learning conversation, reflect on what you have achieved
  • Screenshot your sprite code and paste into your scratch game plan

“Scratch mini tasks”

  • Go to Scratch – you can login if you like, but don’t need to – click on “create” to make a new project
  • We will be creating games next term so here are some mini tasks to get you warmed up.
  • Stick with the cat sprite with no background.

Work your way through these tasks

  1.  Gravity – put together:  When Green flag clicked, forever, change y by -1
    1. He should fall when you click the green flag
  2.  Gravity 2 – change your gravity block by adding:  if…then, < (in operators) , y position , 0
    1. He should fall until he gets to 0 height (the middle of the screen)
    2. Can you change the number so that he lands on the bottom of the screen?
  3. Jumping – start a new block with:  When space key pressed, change y by 50
  4. Walking
    1. click the “i” on the sprite, then change rotation style to the double arrow  <–>
    2. Make two new blocks:
      1. When left arrow key pressed, point in direction left, change x by -10
      2. When right arrow key pressed, point in direction right, change x by 10
  5. Random movement
    1. Create a new sprite – a ball
    2. Make this block: when flag clicked, point in direction, pick random 1 to 360 (in operators), forever, move 10 steps, if on edge bounce (only have the move inside the forever)
  6. A basic game!
    1. Add to the cat script: when green flag clicked, forever, if…then , touching ball, say “Ouch” for 1 second
    2. Play your game and see if you can avoid the ball!
    3. How could you make it easier or harder?  Try out your ideas
  7. Mouse control
    1. You could make it a 2-player game by controlling the ball with the mouse:
    2. Change the ball script to: when flag clicked, forever, point towards sprite1, move 2 step
    3. Play with a partner!

Y5 Monday 21st March

Dear Year 5’s

I’m sorry I can’t be with you today, but it will be a good test of your independence as a class – make sure you use your most powerful resources: yourselves, your Growth Mindset and positive learning attitudes and each other – keep trying.

You have a choice of two challenges:

Challenge #1 – “Prezi perfection”

  • LQ:  How can I improve my Prezi?
  • Go to Prezi, log in and find your project
  • Use this last opportunity to make your Prezi amazing! – adding new content or Prezi features that help give information clearly and attractively.
  • See this previous post for more suggestions.

Challenge #2 – “Scratch mini tasks”

  • Go to Scratch – you can login if you like, but don’t need to – click on “create” to make a new project
  • We will be creating games next term so here are some mini tasks to get you warmed up.
  • Stick with the cat sprite with no background.

Work your way through these tasks

  1.  Gravity – put together:  When Green flag clicked, forever, change y by -1
    1. He should fall when you click the green flag
  2.  Gravity 2 – change your gravity block by adding:  if…then, < (in operators) , y position , 0
    1. He should fall until he gets to 0 height (the middle of the screen)
    2. Can you change the number so that he lands on the bottom of the screen?
  3. Jumping – start a new block with:  When space key pressed, change y by 50
  4. Walking
    1. click the “i” on the sprite, then change rotation style to the double arrow  <–>
    2. Make two new blocks:
      1. When left arrow key pressed, point in direction left, change x by -10
      2. When right arrow key pressed, point in direction right, change x by 10
  5. Random movement
    1. Create a new sprite – a ball
    2. Make this block: when flag clicked, point in direction, pick random 1 to 360 (in operators), forever, move 10 steps, if on edge bounce (only have the move inside the forever)
  6. A basic game!
    1. Add to the cat script: when green flag clicked, forever, if…then , touching ball, say “Ouch” for 1 second
    2. Play your game and see if you can avoid the ball!
    3. How could you make it easier or harder?  Try out your ideas
  7. Mouse control
    1. You could make it a 2-player game by controlling the ball with the mouse:
    2. Change the ball script to: when flag clicked, forever, point towards sprite1, move 2 step
    3. Play with a partner!

Y6 Scratch: How do I plan a maths tables game?

Last 8 minutes

  • Save into your folder with file name: “John S game”
  • In the learning conversation, reflect on what you have achieved
  • Screenshot your sprite code and paste into your scratch game plan

Y6 How do I plan a maths game in Scratch?

  1. Decompose your game idea here
  2. Pick one element to work on first – eg your main sprite
    1. Start with the way it moves – keyboard controls? mouse? forever moving?
    2. Now deal with how it reacts to other things – other sprites? the score? gravity? the floor/walls/platforms?
  3. Spend your effort on the programming today rather than the graphics – you can do that later.
  4. Be reflective – fill out the How did that go form.

Y5: How can I improve my Prezi?

Admin tasks:

  1. Log into Prezi
    1. Hover over your Prezi and click “view Prezi”
    2. Underneath the Prezi, click “Embed”
    3. Copy the code by pressing the button
    4. Open you j2e “Prezi” page
    5. Click on the “video/sound/embed” button then on the top option
    6. Paste the Prezi embed code into the box
    7. Click on your page to drop the Prezi there
    8. Place and resize your Prezi on your page and save
  2. Make sure your Prezi is shared with me
  3. Go to Scratch and practice logging in
    1. Write your username and password in your communication book

How do I improve my Prezi?

  • Look at the colour chart in the Computer room or look on j2review presentations row
  • Ideas for improving
    • Add a hyperlink to another webpage
    • Make sure the path includes all of your content
    • Add music from www.incompetech.com
      • When you’ve found piece you like – click “download as mp3”
      • Go back to Prezi – insert – add background music – look in downloads folder
    • Don’t forget to include credits for the music (copy text below)
    • Think carefully about colours
      • eg text colour that stands out against the background
      • not putting text on varied backgrounds
  • Can you make any other suggestions for improvements by commenting on this post?


How do I place a credit for this music in my project?

Title Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Y6 Scratch: How does decomposing help me to plan a game?

Admin task:

  1. Log into Prezi
    1. Click on “view Prezi”
    2. Underneath the Prezi, click “Embed”
    3. Copy the code
    4. Open you j2e “Prezi” page
    5. Click on the “video/sound/embed” button
    6. Paste the Prezi embed code into the box
    7. Place and resize your Prezi on your page and save

2  Let’s decompose!

  1. Choose one of these games – what elements do they have?
  2. Find your entry from last week here
    1. Edit only your row (I can tell…)
    2. Look at your answers and improve by giving more detail
    3. Challenge: What blocks in Scratch might you use?


  1. http://www.j2e.com/stmarks/bwilliams/Scratch+game+planner/
  2. Save in your files

Tables game planning (if you need it…):

  1. http://code-it.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/tables_planning.pdf
  2. http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/tablesgame/tablesgameoverview


  1.  https://scratch.mit.edu/
  2. Explore tools and experiment
  3. Use your planner to build your game bit by bit – the better you have decomposed your game, the easier it will be.
  4. Edit your planner if your plan changes…