LQ: How do I make a conversation in Scratch.
- Open Scratch https://scratch.mit.edu/ and click Try it out
- Go to http://code-it.co.uk/scratch/scratchconversation and follow the instructions.
- To save: Give it a title, click file – download to your computer – find your name and save
- Challenge 1 : Can you make the characters come on at the beginning? Hint – use the following blocks for each sprite – adjust the numbers to position them how you want them.
- Challenge 2: Can you edit your characters to look the part? Click costumes then use the painting tools
- Challenge 3: Can you add a title screen?
Success steps
- Read instructions carefully
- Be resilient, positive and curious – give it a go!
- Understand that one person needs to wait as the other one talks!
- Drag and drop instruction blocks