- Beginning:
- Get a BeeBot around a maze
- draw a shape on the computer
- Complete BeeBot activities on iPad
- Discovering:
- Plan a shape (draw on paper in thinking book); write instructions; correct and change the shape
- Letters example
- Debugging exercises
- Exploring:
- Use repeat [ ] – remember to put a number after the repeat and the instructions to repeat inside the square brackets, eg “repeat 3 [ fd 30 rt 80 ]
- Example – flower
- Extending:
- Create a project using some of your own ideas
- Use procedures to draw different parts of the picture
- Computing border
- Refining:
- Use variables eg to control the size of objects
- Use repeats inside repeats, eg
- Example 6 squares
- Mastering:
- Develop a project from the beginning using procedures and variables
- Use examples to find out more command words and how to use them
- Example – growing squares
- Champion: