How do babies develop in the first 12 months?

We studied how babies grow and develop in their first year and drew a timeline.  We finished by thinking of questions.  Can you answer or discuss any of these?  Add a comment below.

  1. Luke.  How can you tell if a baby is intelligent?
  2. Alec.  Why does the baby know it has to do things to stay alive?
  3. Seth. How do babies identify what things are?
  4. Karis.  How old are they when they grow to teeth?
  5. Emma.  When do they start to eat mushy food?
  6. Evie.  How do babies know what toys, food and objects are?
  7. Harry.  I wonder when babies start to eat solid food.
  8. Alice.  How do they learn who is their family?
  9. Bill.  What is the average age to walk?
  10. Jozeph.  How does the body change as it grows?
  11. Sam F.  Why do we grow up?
  12. George.  Do muscles stay the same?
  13. Will.  Why do we not continuously grow as much as we do when we are young?
  14. Chhiring.  How do parents interact with their babies?
  15. Crace M.  How do they know if they are doing things right and wrong?
  16. Louis.  How do they know learning or not?
  17. Thomas.  How do they know who they are?
  18. Sebastian.  How did the parents that they are progressing?
  19. Alana.  Why do babies blow raspberries?
  20. Christian.  What happens in the months they are one?
  21. Sam S.  Do you think the older we are, the harder it is to learn?
  22. Sam M.  I wonder when they can run?

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