Children in Y6 work very closely with Wiltshire Wildlife on two projects. The first was part of an enterprise initiative to turn products into profit. In this case old Christmas cards, wrapping paper were turned into present tags, tree decorations etc. The profits made will swell the ‘coffers’ for future enterprisers. The Y6 design and host a Trashion Show – turning unwanted plastic items e.g. bags, crisp packets into items of clothing that they model on a catwalk. It challenges them to be creative, resourceful and solve problems.
Governors take Green Issues very seriously. Not only is it concerned with reducing our costs but raising the profile. Indeed, each governors’ meeting has Green Issues as a standing item on the agenda to keep it foremost in everyone’s minds.
Previously children have monitored food wastage from school dinners, met with governors and presented their findings in assembly to the whole school.