SEN/D Information Report

SEN/D Coordinator:  Ms N Phillips

SEN/D Governor:  Mrs S Bale


At St Mark’s we believe that every child is extraordinary and that education has the capacity and the possibility to change lives for the better. Here teaching and learning is built upon a foundation that is inclusive, supportive, challenging and empowering.  We promote high expectations, aspirations and an intense engagement in learning.  This supports learners in establishing the values, dispositions, skills and knowledge through which they will be able to achieve success, gain fulfilment in the future and become life-long learners.


  • A person centred approach- At St Mark’s we know this will look differently for each child and many strategies and adaptations might be employed for each child to be successful.
  • A Graduated Approach of Assess, Plan, Do, Review – teachers plan for individual children alongside group planning, deliver in an inclusion friendly environment, and set new targets in response to learning
  • Parents are the foremost educators of their children and must be involved at every level. Responsibility for the child remains with the parents and they will achieve success working in partnership with all agencies.


We have a smaller than average percentage of children with identified special educational needs but we provide a swift and easy referral process for all children recognising that needs change over time. Teaching standard No.5 states:

Teachers must adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils.

  • Know when and how to differentiate appropriately, using approaches which enable pupils to be taught effectively.
  • Have a secure understanding of how a range of factors can inhibit pupils’ ability to learn and how best to overcome these.
  • Demonstrate and awareness of the physical, social and intellectual development of pupils and know how to adapt teaching to support pupils’ education at different stages of development.
  • Have a clear understanding of the needs of pupils including those with special educational needs; those with EAL; those with disabilities and be able to use and evaluate distinctive teaching approaches to engage and support them.

We provide learning environments that enable every child to access a curriculum which is both relevant and challenging to them through the following provision.

Quality First teaching

Effective Learning Wheel

For effective teaching and learning to take place there are a number of key elements that we feel are essential.

  • Inclusion friendly environments including strategies to ensure equal access to the curriculum e.g. visual timetables
  • Teaching standard number 5
  • Regular training
  • Personalised planning
  • Initial assessment- WIPD quick checker, Class Teacher Assessment

Parents contribute to this by:

  • Daily reading at home
  • Participating in and supporting home learning projects

Additional classroom strategies or interventions

  • Evaluative Provision Maps are used to highlight and monitor the success of interventions beyond quality first teaching.
  • Provision for medical needs/allergies/impairments through the school policy
  • Provision of specialist teaching and learning spaces e.g The Garden Room
  • Access strategies including templates frames and ICT
  • TA support with delegated funding. This might include some 1:1 TA support, social skills groups
  • Additional arrangements for transition

Parents contribute to this

  • Communication of needs of needs and changes in home environment
  • Attending meetings and making contributions
  • Working in partnership with the school to access further advice and support

Personalised Learning Plans and provision maps

If a child has needs that involve outside agencies in supporting with learning programmes, these are incorporated into classroom planning and delivered within the classroom where ever possible. It might also include specific Speech and Language programmes, advice from the educational psychologist, behaviour support service, occupational therapist, physical impairment service, or physiotherapist. We also have a limited access to a range of therapies through our association with Exeter House Special School. Provision at this stage is included in the Provision Map.

SEND flowchart

Please contact Ms N Phillips, our SEN/D Coordinator, or Mrs S Bale, our SEN/D Governor for more information.

Wiltshire Local Offer

The Wiltshire Local Offer help parents, carers and young people to find out about the support and services available in their local area and how to access them.  More information can be found on their website: