Helping in school

Thank you for offering to come into school and help us – you are very welcome.


We actively encourage good relationships between school, home and the community.  We know that the children benefit from the voluntary help given by parents and others from our community, but the acceptance of that voluntary help always depends upon its appropriateness. In the interests of the safety and the well-being of the children, helpers are asked to read these guidelines and discuss it with a member of staff prior to beginning helping in school.  After discussion, the helper is asked to sign the form at the back as an acceptance of the guidelines and to return it to school.

Times and places to help 

Please arrange a convenient time to come and help in school.  Do not worry if you cannot come in weekly as we are grateful for any form of help.  There are often times when we need help for outings, which can only happen with extra helpers. You may work in your child’s class if you wish and if the class teacher feels that your presence would not upset or disrupt your own child.  We are grateful for any help in school, so please do not hesitate to offer to help in another year group! If you are every unable to help when you are expected, please ring the school to let us know as soon as possible, as the teacher will have planned for you. Normally you will be working in the classroom, the library or a shared area.

Signing in     

Please enter the school by the main doors at Reception.  Please ensure that you sign in at Reception and are given a visitor’s sticker to wear whilst in school.

Where to go  

Car park – please feel to park in the main car park or the staff car park. Please avoid the turning circle. The gates are locked from 3.10 – 3.40 pm daily to keep pedestrians safer.

Toilets – there are some adult toilets for staff and helpers near to the main office (East Corridor) and at the end of the West Corridor (Y4 end)

Staffroom – we hope you will feel able to accompany the teacher in whose class you are helping to the staffroom to enjoy a break and a drink.