Learning to learn

At St Mark’s, we are always trying to improve our teaching and learning. This year, we are looking at the following areas:

  • Growth mindset
  • Learning Attitudes
  • Learning to Learn

1 Growth mindset

Developing an understanding of growth mindset which underpins
teaching and learning at St Mark’s.

In Term 1, we all read the book – Your Fantastic Elastic Brain which is a good summary of growth mindset theory. We also learned about what happens when we learn and how the brain works. Please ask if you would like to borrow a copy of this book.


Here are some ways to talk to help us keep a growth mindset. We want to use the phrases on the right and try not to use the ones on the left.


You can find out more about growth mindset here. http://ffgrowthmindset.primaryblogger.co.uk/ especially the “Brainology” and “Links” sections.


2 Learning Attitudes

Learning Attitudes embedded in the school culture.

You will see our Learning Attitudes displayed in classrooms and on children’s “Passports to progress” booklets, where there are useful phrases to use. Ask you child what our six learning attitudes are. Here is a mindmap to help understand what they mean. If you would like any more information or how to encourage our learning attitudes, please ask.

Attitudes for learning mindmap July 2015



3 Learning to Learn

For children and teachers to see visible/tangible improvements in
Thinking Skills through regular practice.

In Term 1, we learned to use visual thinking tools. These included:

  • bubble maps
  • double bubble maps
  • Venn diagrams
  • PMI (Plus-Minus-Interesting)

These help us to put our thoughts down and organise them so we can think more deeply. They are also a good way of planning writing.     Visual tools planning

In Term 2, we are training our memory using lessons from the Junior Memory Championships: http://www.juniormemorychampionship.com/

Future topics may include: creativity, critical thinking skills, reading for information,  computational thinking, brain gym/health

If you would like more information about any of our learning to learn techniques, please ask your child’s class teacher, Ms Phillips or Mr Williams.

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