Pupil Premium 2013 – 2014

How was Pupil Premium spent and what impact did it have?

 In the year 2013-14 we had £33,900.

This money was used for:

  1. Teaching Assistants for Intervention Groups
  2. 1:1 support for individuals
  3. ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) who provides nurture support
  4. PSA ( Parent Support Adviser) to support parents (advice, listening, parenting help)
  5. Leadership and Management (SENCO, Deputy Headteacher etc)
  6. Resources – purchases, contingency funds etc

 In addition to this, the pupil premium children will receive support and be included on all extra-curricular activities and trips which may support and widen their life and learning experience. These children are closely monitored through regular assessment, pupil data tracking so we can see the impact that this funding is having on raising standards and ensuring these children will benefit from this support.

Measuring exact costs and impact is never easy. From 2014-15 we will be able to more accurately track spend and impact.

Provision (Cost estimate £ – £££££) and Impact (1* to 5*)

Provision and Cost Estimated Impact
1.   TAs for Intervention Groups £3000 £££ Mentoring of students has targeted basic literacy and numeracy skills for children. It has boosted their self-esteem and confidence and led to less withdrawal from classrooms across the year. Low level disruption reported from children struggling to access learning has reduced this year.Impact **
2. 1:1 support for individuals £3000 £££ Individualised instruction, both in class and out, has made a difference to the inclusion of children in lessons. We have used a variety of volunteers (no cost) to target some children and referred others internally to access our counsellor (Relate Trained). This specific provision is very costly per hour (£35) but the impact is significant and substantial. The success rate is very high and builds strategies for long term coping mechanisms and more independence.Impact ***
3. ELSA£12000 £££££ The range of need and vulnerabilities can be enormous. The ELSA is no-class based and works on a needs basis – working alongside class teachers, the SENCO and other TAs to advise, support and withdraw some children (either individually or in groups) to the Garden Room. The emotional, behavioural and social side of her inputs has a large impact e.g. reducing serious sanctions, less low level disruption of learning, better whole school participation.Impact ****
4. PSA £10000 ££££ The PSA works across two schools and knows the families particularly well. She has successfully engaged nearly all our hard to reach families both in and out of school. Her relationships and intelligence gathering has significantly helped early intervention and improved school communication lines.Impact ****
5.   Leadership and Management £2000 ££ Developing the vision for Pupil Premium takes time to plan, research, meet and attend training. We now have a clearer sense of what works best and how to move forward.Senior Leaders look closely at our curriculum provision to ensure children’s needs are met and audit our overall school provision. CPD has been largely free and available for governors to attend.Impact **
6.   Resources £3900 £££ We now use ipad minis across the school. These help children access specific software to meet their individual needs. Subsidy of school clubs and trips made to promote engagement.Impact **


Attainment data in APS June 2014

Year Group Reading PP Reading non PP Writing PP Writing non PP Maths PP Maths   non PP
Y3 3.57 2.93 3.04 1.45 3.67 2.05
Y4 4.00 4.01 2.83 2.86 2.83 3.42
Y5 1.40 3.07 2.05 3.19 2.70 3.47
Y6 2.11 2.86 4.58 5.19 4.29 3.76


As with any data, when working with averages and small numbers, trends and patterns can be masked and important information overlooked. Therefore at St Mark’s, each of our Pupil Premium children is tracked and monitored as an individual, to ensure all needs are met.