House system


All children who join St Mark’s are allocated to one of the four houses:

  • Avebury (Red)
  • Clearbury (Green)
  • Figsbury (Yellow)
  • Ramsbury (Blue)

As part of our reward system, outlined in our School Rules and Behaviour Policy, we award House Points to individuals. They may be given for be given for such things as:-

  • good work
  • good manners
  • completing homework
  • being helpful
  • a change in attitude
  • a considerable effort
  • a thoughtful deed
  • a big improvement during a session

Each week the House Points are collected by Y6 children and the total for each House announced in assembly on Friday. Each term a trophy is presented to the winning House.

 Collecting House Points

Each class teacher should have a chart which runs for a term divided into weeks. Every child has an Achievement Card kept in a filing box. When a child has been awarded 10 House Points they get a sticker on the Achievement Card.

Achievement Card

Every child has one of these which the teacher keeps. When there are 10 stickers on the Achievement Card it is presented to the child in a Celebration Assembly with a small prize i.e. school pen.


Each of the houses has two House Captains – usually a boy and a girl voted for by children. They are often called upon to pick teams for competitions and collecting trophies in Celebration Assemblies.

House Competitions

Throughout the year we hold many inter-house competitions for sporting and non-sporting competitions. We do this to increase participation, help identify those with emerging talents and to teach children how to compete in a sportsmanlike way – winning with humility and accepting defeat positively.