Queen’s 90th Birthday Tea Party

On Friday 10th June, St Mark’s held a tea party to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday.  We enjoyed food and playing games together, including quick cricket, hoopla, bowls and pin the tail on the donkey.  The weather turned out to be fine despite the forecast.

Q90 collageKGQ90 collageHC

Photo collages by Kye G and Harry.

New music blog

We have a new Music blog!  It showcases our performances in music lessons, concerts and services.   Please have a look by clicking on the music button below or on the blogs section on the right.  As always, we welcome your online comments.  (Remember not to identify children by name in your comments.)

music blog button

How can we be more responsible for our world?

Today’s assembly was about how humanity looks after God’s creation (the world).  Jim invited pupils to come up to the front and share their opinions as an animal or plant to say whether humanity has looked after them well or not.  The majority said they did not, bad humans!

Summary by Jack and Hamish

…”The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it” (Psalm 24)

Post a comment below to suggest how we could be more responsible for the world.

Blog buttons!

Do you like the new animated blog buttons?  Well done to Lauren and Millie in Year 6 who created them.  We still need ones for Year 3 (this was just my example),  Year 4, MrW’s ICT and PE – if you are interested in creating them, please see Mr Williams!