School Improvement

We strive to be the best we can be. By giving our best – from welcoming visitors via Reception to the daily teaching we expect the best outcomes from everyone. We are all in this together. As such we can all improve on aspects of our inputs and our outputs. As a school we publish a School Development Plan annually for staff and governors which sets out what we want to focus on and how. It typically has three main areas that we believe will transform things in school. We monitor that actions are completed and that improvements for children are evident. As a school we rightly are evaluated by external bodies e.g. Wiltshire Council or OfSTED. A significant part of this is checking that our internal judgements are sound. As such we keep a live document called a SEF Summary (Self Evaluation Form). As a governing body we publish a Governor Action Plan annually which sets out what and how the governors can help, hold the school to account and ensure clear strategic thinking. As part of our drive for greater transparency the three documents are available below to see.

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