Sport Funding


Number of pupils & Premium Grant received
Total number ofpupilsonroll 343
Total number ofpupilseligible All
Amount of Premium received perpupil £28.11
TotalamountofPremium  received £9165


Recordof proposed spendingbyitem/project2014-2015
Item/Project Cost Objectives
Coaches £3500
  1. Support Y3 and 4 in Games lessons (1:15 ratio)
  2. Enrichment Programme (weekly) – identifying talent/running house competitions/skill development/new opportunities/preparation for festivals
  3. Extra-Curricular (after school clubs) – Salisbury District Council, Golf Club, Rugby, Chelsea, Cricket – to provide links with local clubs, taster sessions
Equipment £3000
  1. E.g. Table tennis, handball, volleyball, climbing
  2. Replacement and renewal of existing equipment
Transport £2100
  1. Entering Festivals/tournaments – release time, transportation, entry costs
Subscription £900
  1. Annual Subscription (St Edmund’s)


Item/Proje Cost Objectives
CPD £1500
  1. Swimming Training
  2. High quality PE in lessons for class teachers
  3. Specific training for PE Leader
Transport £2000
  1. Minibus – running costs
  2. Bus hire
Resources (Teaching) £1000
  1. Real PE Scheme
Coaches £1000
  1. Support Curriculum
  2. Support Extra-Curricular
Equipment £2000
  1. Replace equipment
  2. Provide new materials
Salary Costs/Release time £2000
  1. Delivery
  2. Coach Support


Recordof actual spendingbyitem/project2013-2014
Item/Project Cost Objectives/Outcomes
Transport £945 Maintain participation in local festivals, competitions etc
Miscellaneous £780 iPad; Stickers; Sand for sandpit
Equipment £3620 Replacing worn out/damaged resources; new equipment
Subscriptions £967 To local partnership (for festivals, competitions etc), Orienteering
Coaches £1981 Extra-Curricular Clubs; Curriculum Support; Enrichment programme


Total                                 £8293                   Source – General Ledger Cost Centre Transactions


PE and Sports Funding

Benefits of Funding

1. Increasing Participation

The funding has allowed a significant improvement in the amount and variety of extra-curricular clubs offered to the children. This has enabled more children to achieve their target of five hours physical activity per week.

2. Improving Achievement in Competitive Sport

During Enrichment time (Friday afternoon) support from premier sports’ coaches has allowed further development of achievements in individual sports and basic skills e.g. tennis, athletics, skipping, throwing etc. Some of this time has been allocated to preparing teams for festivals and tournaments where the success of St Mark’s School has reached an all-time high.  This can partly be accredited to Enrichment time.

3. Better Curriculum Delivery for children

Coaches and specialists have also been used in curriculum time – increasing the ratio of adults to children (often 1:15 rather than the traditional 1:30). Smaller groups mean children receive greater feedback, are able to focus better and learn from the knowledge and experience of other staff members.

4. Improving Resources – replacing, additional etc

St Mark’s has provided new and more varied resources. Better facilities, equipment and teaching aids have enabled the school to deliver a stimulating, challenging and enjoyable curriculum to the children, who have an extremely positive attitude towards physical education.

5. Raising the profile of sport and improving achievement within school

Developing meaningful competitions has been proven to raise standards. Our school is committed to developing its internal house competitions and has begun the process of raising the profile and range offered. Participation has increased across all year groups.


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